I built my spray booth for less than $100. It's 2ft x 2ft x 2ft (it's bigger than it sounds), has two fluorescent lights, and a large 600cfm fan in it, plus accessory outlets to plug in my aircompressor and whatever else I need to plug in. I saw the Badger airbrush booth at HobbyTown USA about a month ago for $299 (!!!!!!!!), and I just couldn't understand how a piece of molded plastic that's not even half the size of what I built could cost that much. The only thing not plastic on it was the exhaust fan, and that's something you can buy on-line for about $35. I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that anyone can build a decent spray booth for about $100 and a few hours of time. You can get everything at the local Home Depot (including pre-cut boards, cut to your dimensions), except for the exhaust fan, which I got on-line for about $35.