QUOTE: Originally posted by shermanfreak
You have some art work hanging on the wall at the Patton Museum Ron?
That's where I got my Harmon's from.
My work is in an 11 X14 inch format, usually of single vehicles which aren't in a specific setting (like my influence Ewe Feist's work, whom I met at the Museum once too... nice fellow, fun story to go with it if you're ever interested). Retail at the gift shop on my work is about $6 I think. Something for the folks who think Harmon's work is too expensive (which it isn't!).
I also donated an original (Sherman M4A3E8) drawing to the museum. I'm thinking of doing a new edition, either an M3 Lee in North Africa or M5A1 Stuart ETO. Any preference guys and gals?
I do my own photography, then backdate the tank into a general background. I think Harmon references his own photography (?) as well as historical photos.
I'd do more drawings, but I don't usually have a lot of time and my house is already packed full of old stuff that's still laying around.
My latest projects are helping a friend with his book on tanker helmets (illustrating it) and finishing scaled drawings for my own book on the Massey-Harris Tank plant in Racine WI., where I grew up (walked through what was once the plant on the way to high school all my sophomore year... loved it!).