Academy's kit is pretty cool. There are some shortcuts and a few inaccuracies in it, but if you don't want to "count the rivets", it's not that big of a deal. After building, the top and the turret can be taken off to show the interior. If you find one on e-bay, a lot of times they show the exterior of the box which shows what the kit looks like built up.
As for better, I don't think anyone else out there is doing an interior model of a tank. You either go with Academy, or do the after market, resin bit. But I could be wrong. They have a full interior Tiger I Early, Tiger I Mid, Honey, and an M5a. Those last two are supposed to be pretty cool kits, too. I don't have either of them. The only one I have is the Tiger I Early. Be warned, though, that about 300 of the parts are the individual link tracks. If you don't mind working with them, you're all set. (I like them, myself, but haven't started the Tiger yet, so don't know if Academy's are a pain or not. But they are good enough that they sell them as an aftermarket add on.
Good luck and keep us informed of what you do.
DML M4A2 Red Army
-- There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". (Author unknown)