Can't understand you guys with pets. I've never had a pet, but I always end up washing, feeding, worming, walking and taking my wife's dog to the vet. I had to feed and clean out my older son's mice pen when he was younger, and feed the other son's fish and clean the tank regularly. If I had to look after my own pet as well, I would never get any modelling done
Duke, I think you MUST be worse off than me. At least I think my wife will be more careful in future. Maybe you should should invest in a timer for the fan and a lock for the door!
Gregors, but aircraft are such flimsy things anyway
There are a lot more fine parts on an aircraft and I know, from when I modelled them, accidents usually result in an addition to the parts box not a rebuild. I gotta feel more sorry for you - especially that the kits are irreplaceable.
Larry. It was there for less than 90 minutes! I had actually moved it out of the garage so my wife or kids would not knock it off the desk when she left for work or they went to school later that morning. My wife suffers from migraines, so I have to paint outside so the fumes from paint do not set her off.
Well the weekend has come and gone, and after copious quantities of glue, bracing around cracked hull joins, putty, replacement parts from 2 guys from my club (one even brought the old Kirin resin add-on armour kit in case I needed that!) the LV is on the road to recovery. I believe she will walk again, but it will be lots of physio and TLC to see her through.
Thanks again for all the support