It's not his system that's the problem. It's his attitude and the way he conducts himself through correspondance. Maybe it only flares up now and then, but the guy is a real AH in my experience and those of one friend and several acquaintances. Hell, I've got a 'system' too, but I don't treat folks like they're dirt. He's rude, obnoxious, evasive, deceitful and obstinant.
Maybe he's okay most of the time; I've only come into direct contact with the guy three times and perhaps that's not enough to fairly judge a person. But others I know have dealt with him and have had similar experiences to mine and share similar opinions. Also, his negative feedback stands at 40. That's not a good rating no matter how many transactions he's completed.
I'm glad to say that I've never actually dealt with him; I've only made inquiries on a few items. In the end you may, indeed, get the product. But there are some folks who don't appreciate someone trying to pull a fast one on them. And there are some folks who do not like being treated like garbage.
Call me nuts, but I'm one of those folks.
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