Spotty Leopard...
A little while ago, Mike (Renarts) built and painted a Tiger tank in a very original yet convicing scheme... I for one loved it and thought about other possibilities...
After a bit of research on big cats and AFVs, I finally decided upon the Leopard. I therefore purchased Revell's 1/72 Leopard 1A4 and got the ball rolling.
Another more recent post shows some of the little things I added/changed to the basic (but great!) kit.
Well, my Leopard is now completed...
To be honest with you all, I'm a bit disappointed with my results...
It's not as stark as I first imagined it, and I should have cut down a bit more on the washes and weathering... The washes in particular made the white bits fade a touch too much into the sand/brown color, while the drybrushing toned down the black a touch too much into a greyish/green...
Oh well... I had fun planning it and making it, so all is not lost...