Hi again Chris. As I have said earlier, we cannot be too sure at this time about the color because all the other colors are not yet on. Besides the shape and size of the object sometimes create some sort of illusion changing the way we see colors.
When I tried the NATO camo on my M1 last year, I first thought the green was too dark but when the black and brown were applied it looked OK (at least to me). And I didn't apply any weathering at that time. Also, as the other guys mentioned colors tend to become a little darker after weathering unless of course you fade the color out with drybrushing.
I was also very cautious when I did my first camo job. We all have been in all our firsts.
Just one question. Is the side armor panel of the turret really movable? I got this Italeri Leopard 2 A5 but I don't think it's the same.
Keep up the good work. You have been coming out with those finely finished kits faster than I can ever imagine.