I'm new to this site and the area of armor. I normally build sci fi models and also Japanese robots [which I have been studing armor in order to make them more realistic because they are in actuality a form of tank].
Any way recenty I have started building real tanks because my dad noticed my still with all the other crap i build and asked me to build a Bradley which he bought.
Anyway to make a long story short i have been "bit by the armor bug" and i noticed that my local Hobby Lobby store just started carrying a line of kits i had never heard of called Hobby Craft. [After some research on line I have discoverd that they are out of Canada and have been around awhile.] Anyway I noticed that they were some of the cheapest armor kits on the shelves. How is their quality? Are they any good? I have only been able to find reveiws of their aircraft models on line but none on their armor.