Second Question on the HMMWV....
Hey all,
Since I recieved great help from my last post, I was wondering if anybody as any info on the "in field mod" for a motorbike rack.
The rack is set up in the back of the Hummer and was basically a quick build(as you could say). There was really no standard to how these were built since they were field applied like was mentioned above.
My real question w/ doing the research is that I see that mainly of the Cav and recon units utilized these types of bikes. By chance could the MPs haved used these as well?? Thats what my main focus was on but if not I can lean towards one of the units above!!
Thanks again for all you assistance
Flaps up, Mike
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger