Nice first job, glad to see you enjoyed it so much. Another victim succumbs the Darkside (not that that is a bad thing
) May I make a couple of small suggestions that I hope you can use?
1) If you are using the kit's vinyl tracks, and you can't hide the join behind side skirts or something, try and put the join on the bottom under a road wheel. This way it is not so noticable, and if later you put it on a dio base then pressing the vehicle into the groundwork will also help hide the join.
2) If you want to do more photo's, try and avoid using the camera's flash. If the camera is close to the model then the flash is also close. If the light source is close you will end up with the highlighted shine. Try using a halogen lamp at a longer distance or daylight if you do not have a better light source inside, just watch shadows, etc. The other reason is that the flash can cause shadows that you don't want, or can wash out the detail you are trying to capture.