The bike in my avatar is one I built for real. I will answer any questions asked and will look at all postings regarding m/c. I help my friend at his custom bike shop and I am well versed in the real bike world especially choppers.The width of your tire would dictate a switch to right side drive (rsd)
as the load on the engine sprocket rises exponentially as it is moved outboard. Also the primary already wieghs a ton and offsetting affects the ride to the point of danger and definitly compromises the ride .Some of the early widetire offset bikes can be seen to be riding at an angle in a straight line (!),and instead of cornering you go around with straight lines/sharp turns rather than a smooth turn.You mention exile cycles in your post ,try to imagine riding a bike with an internal throttle (right hndlebar) and an internal/twist clutch (left hndlbar) I get shudders up my spine tryna imagine that in an evasive action scenario! Please post or reply any questions regarding accuracy on your models.
Baker transmissions website would be good on this as he was a pioneer in the wide tire format .Also the aircleaner on that bike is from Milwaukee Iron
Sometimes my posts can be mis interpreted but an assumption would dictate that they are helpful .
Post more pix please!!I am interested in the casting you are doing. I am posting soon my battle with a 1/48 Indian warbike ,and let me tell you it was a war.........