Hey all. I am just getting back into the world of modelling after a very long hiatus, and find myself unsure of where to get started on certain things. I've read a whole bunch of research material and guides, faqs, etc, and feel that the internet and fine forums such as this one have prepared me to make a perfect finish on my cars, but one thing that's always got me a little bit is the overall process for some of the lesser-seen areas of a model car -- the chassis, axles, exhausts, crossbraces and so forth (all the fiddly mechanical pieces). After so long out of the saddle, I honestly just don't remember where to get started, and so I was hoping to put out a bunch of questions, if nobody minds!
When starting out a kit, what is the best way to prepare these pieces?
Do you prime them and paint them while on the tree? If so, how do you handle the smoothing-out and painting of the area that was still attached to the sprue after it's been removed?
Do you cut them and sand the sprue areas before priming and painting?
Do you put together sub-assemblies of things before priming and painting? If so, to what degree of assembly do you go before painting?
Do you brush certain things, or use an airbrush as much as possible? What things are typically better brushed vs. airbrushed?
On vehicles where most of the stuff down there is pretty much just flat black, how can you make the underside look good, or at least not quite so uniform? This goes as much for vehicle interiors as it does the undercarriage / engine bay...
Sorry for all the noob questions here, but I had to ask! Thanks very much, all!