I once built this kit as a kid after being sold on the beautiful suggested build pix on the side of the box. I think it was the first car model I ever built.
After opening the box, I remember being disappointed that the model required paint, glue, and skill to complete. I tried my best non the less and ended up with a white piece of lumpy plastic with foggy windows. Ah, those were the days.
That was over a decade ago. Now, at the ripe old age of 21, I decided to give this kit another go. I want to see if I can fulfill a childhood dream and bring life to this kit once more.
The box finally showed up from ebay today! It was just as I remembered it. The same box and all. It even had the same racetrack printed on the bottom of the box.
After putting the engine halves together, I realized that this kit have major fit issues. Thus, I did a quick dry fit build to learn about all the fit issues so I can come up with strategies to combat them. This will not be a shake and bake build.
Now comes the hood. This is where I found the biggest fit issue. This thing just wont close. Hmm. Does any one have any advice? I don't remember the gap being THAT big. Perhaps I did something wrong?
I took the pieces apart to find out where the fit issue was. Also, I am going to glue some smaller parts with the same paint scheme together to make my model into logical blocks that are easier to understand and work with.