This is a 1/12 scale of my Kawasaki Zypher 400, kit by Aoshima (huge fan now). I got the bike about a year after I was stationed here in Japan, and by happenstance saw the kit of MY bike in a shop somewhere. That was all she wrote. I was back in the model building game. Well, first try in years, so here goes:
I was pretty happy with the fit and detail, the kit went together fairly well.
I messed up the paint the first time around, so i tried to dip it in thinner to strip the paint. again, im super new to this. well the paint came off alright, but it messed up the plastics, made them super soft. they got pretty jacked up.
There were some fit issues with this part, the framework. some of it didnt want to go together, i had to do a lot of clever work with alligator clamps and tweezers to get this part to stay together properly.
Hope y'all enjoyed it!! I know I did, and boy lemme tell ya, it's good to be back.