Here is another suggestion
May not be as quick as brake fluid but try to lay the parts in a pool of bleach.
Not the one girls (and some guys I guess...) use to hilight there hair but the one to clean floors. dont delute it with water just straight from the bottle.
It really depends on which color has been used and how thick the lair is. acrylics are very difficult to remove with method (Sometimes impossible) but enamels will start to loosen after 24-48 houres. I tried to strip a model I painted with a brush and lots of paint (When I was younger ) and the paint was removed after sitting for about a month...
So it really depends. the good thing it dosent hurts the plastic at all!
I remove the paint by scrubbing with an old tooth brush.
When done give it a good wash under running water then rinse it. dont try to smell it it stinks!
I wonder whats the quality of this kit...