I've decided to try and take my time with this build as it is such a nice kit and car that I would like to do it some justice.
So while it may not look like much, the following is the result of 3 days effort.
Finished the front uprights:
and dry fitted the front suspension, no glue yet:
Then started on the engine:
This kit comes with Metal stickers, a first for me. I have to say, the effect is great. However, I did manage to stick the V12 sticker in the wrong place and spent half an hour getting it off and into the right place. Not much fun and it is a little off centre now but the best I could do.
Another dry fit to see how it looks:
And finally, started on the chassi undersurface. Still a lot more detail to go here but quite happy with how it is looking so far:
Might need to put another coat of black down.
Comments and critiscms welcome.