Kensar - I initially wore gloves, but noticed the PE sheets had some kind of lacquer coating on them, so after the cab was finished I just used bare hands. Plus the gloves were getting punctured by the teeny little "sprue" attachments.
Don - Watch that rear engine deck panel. I think the upper edge must stick up over the deck in order for it to line up with the side panels. That was the most frustrating part for me. The main hydraulic "pistons" were too long, so I "z" bent their bases, more or less out of sight. The pinion connector on the arm that accepts the upper part of the pistons has tabs that don't align with the pistons'. I had to twist the connector and bend the tabs sideways a little to get things joined up. The tracks looked like a can or worms, but were thankfully trouble free, if not a bit tight getting the tabs over and into their slots. Good luck on your build!
Hunter - Yes, these things are pretty cheap for what you get. But the total cost must include asprin and trips to an anger management therapist!