After a lot of work, I was very disappointed to find that the track of the tires was not wide enough to fill the wheel wells as pictured on the box top. I was also disappointed in myself at not finding this out until it was too late!
One other thing that I did not like was that there was no way for the hood to stay on when it was closed! I remedied that with the use of some tin dots and rare earth magnets.
Here is mine that I recently built as a Saloon racer. Note that I recontoured the wheel flares as I didn't care for the sharp edges.
Did you notice that the tires had different manufacturers on either side?
Now, if Belkits, the makers of the Mk.1 Escort, would have only provided all of the under the hood detail I would be very happy! I'm not keen on "curbside" models!!!
Be sure that I am going to check the track on that kit!