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Jet guy needs help with a vehicle

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  • Member since
    September 2016
Jet guy needs help with a vehicle
Posted by D-Rob on Friday, January 29, 2021 7:38 PM

I've only built a couple of cars in the 45 years of my modeling, but I'm starting a project for a future FSM article that I absolutely had to build. I've finally gathered everything I need to build Squad 51, and I don't want to screw it up! Any help I can get as I go along will be greatly appreciated, especially with the finishing of it. 

I'll be using AMT's Lil' Red Express along with the Ranger Technologies squad conversion. 

My first question is what color should a '72 Dodge engine be? I'm not going to wire it. In fact, the hood will stay closed. But I just can't bring myself to skip putting the engine in.

My second question is what color was the interior? While I've watched gobs of episodes of Emergency, I've never seen the dashboard. It looks like the seats are tan. Anybody have some good interior shots, or live close to the LA County Fire Museum to get some pictures?

Thanks in advance for any help. I'll be asking many more questions later! Big Smile


  • Member since
    June 2010
  • From: Australia
Posted by OctaneOrange on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 2:53 AM

i'm no expert, but i think chrysler changed to blue in the late 60s.

  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 9:46 AM

this is from the museum in Bellflower. Here I worked for the county as a Deputy Sheriff for over 30 years and never knew of the place. The fire station that they used for the exterior shots, Station 127 on 223rd St between Wilmington and Alameda, was in my patrol area and I worked with them on an almost daily basis.


Squad 51 Interior


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 11:01 AM


 I would say a light medium Blue, trending almost to aqua. That might not help much as I have seen the engines both colors.

  • Member since
    July 2021
Posted by RandyW on Thursday, July 8, 2021 3:41 PM

I'm like you, I've only built a few autos in my 51 years in this hobby.  However, I to am about to build one of my "bucket list" projects - a Squad 51.  I finally decided to get off the pot and do this after watching all 122 T.V. Episodes again on DVD.  "Emergency" was my favorite show growing up back in the 70's and I watch my DVD's every few years.

I purchased the Ranger Technologies kit to convert the AMT Lil Red Express model kit.  Regrettably I had already bought a few other items prior to hearing about Ranger Technologies, however I'm confident that the Ranger kit will supply just about everything I need.  I haven't opened the kit yet.  I'm still waiting to cross the border into Washington State so I can pick it up.  

A couple of items though, there were three Dodge D300 truck cab and chassis used during the seven year run of "Emergency".  The original truck was a brand new 1972 D300.  This vehicle lasted for two seasons.  Prior to season three (when the Ward La France Engine 51 first appeared) the studio acquired a 1973 D300.  The '72 truck was stripped of all useable parts including the front grill and thusly installed on the '73 chassis.  The only discernable difference between these two Rescue Squads are the "D" ring towing lugs bolted to the rear checker plate bumper on the '73 unit and the painted over "Dodge" emblem on the hood.  The '72 truck left the emblem chromed and no towing rings.  And once again, prior to season five a third and final truck was built from a 1974 D300.  This is the vehicle that currently resides in the LA County Fire Museum.  This truck is different in that it has an outside rear box light above the back window and black vinyl covers inside of the cab doors.  The first two trucks had metal doors with no covers, painted to match the exterior beige arm rests.  The VIN for this vehicle appears in the book "Emergency: Behind The Scenes".  Oddly the authors state that the museum truck was the only one used during the filming of the series and T.V. movies, however once you decode the VIN, you will discover that it's in fact a 1974 Dodge D300 1 & 1/2 ton truck.


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