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Beavertail vehicle transport

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  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Sweden
Beavertail vehicle transport
Posted by Tiking on Monday, March 21, 2022 6:41 AM

This build came about by converting and scratch building, the old Italeri Volvo F6 Fire ladder kit. I had bought this a couple of years ago at an exhibition together with other second hand kits for little or nothing. I did not know what to do with the kit, until recent. So, it is no more a fire truck but an old beaver-tail machine transport carrier. I see most enthusiast convert old trucks into other types of themes to suit their intensions. This might carry a lot of load but ,we'll consider this a private farmer or truck company wanting to have easy access to transport small and medium size machinery to their destination without renting.

The diesel tank was taken from another truck model as the original would not accommodate the space. So I took a cylindrical tank, cut 1/3 of the tank and made it to fit the space. I got the idea for a smaller tank from a photo of the Scania model that inspired this build.

The rear angle chassi C-bracket was taken from another truck model that I used to mount on his truck, after some minor modifications. 

Additions to the truck:

1. Added two tool boxes, one on each side. 2. Air tank on the left front side with support brackets. 3. Tyre recess or support bracket/s. 4. And most important, stabilizers at the rear. ( thanks to Håkan Zaar, for this tip). The stabilizers are hydraulics. Simple manuell construction. 5. Extra platform supports for vehicles that are too shallow for the front lower section of the transport. 6. Tie-downs.




The original Italeri fire ladder Volvo kit:















Charles King ----------------------- You may think you know...but you don't

  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: USA
Posted by keavdog on Monday, March 21, 2022 7:42 AM

That's quite a conversion!  Great scratch work and as usual your finish is exceptional.  Are you going to put any vehicles on it?  And, being a fan of your work - what happens with the leftover parts from the fire truck - something interesting in the future?? ;)



  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Sweden
Posted by Tiking on Monday, March 21, 2022 7:46 AM


That's quite a conversion!  Great scratch work and as usual your finish is exceptional.  Are you going to put any vehicles on it?  And, being a fan of your work - what happens with the leftover parts from the fire truck - something interesting in the future?? ;)



Thank you buddy. I haf contemplated a load but. Decided against it. At least for now. As for the left overs, they will definitely be used in other projects to come. ;) 

Charles King ----------------------- You may think you know...but you don't


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