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ferrari f1 2001 pics?

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  • Member since
    November 2005
ferrari f1 2001 pics?
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, October 29, 2004 2:19 AM
hey all
could some one plz point me in the right direcion for some pics of the ferrari 2001 f1 car?id like some detailed ones of the engine if possible....

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 2, 2004 4:31 PM
Hi tominator!

Pics of the 2001 Ferrari engine a really hard to come by since they like to have most of it covered up. The only thing I can think of right now is the Official 2001-2002 Formula One Record Book by F1. It has some pretty good shots of the Ferrairi up close and drawings of the brakes and one drawing of the grearbox which is some help but none of the engine. I do not know how easy this book is to come by since I got it in 2002. But you might look aound. And of course there might by better books out now with the engine. You could also try looking online. Hope this helps!

  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: NSW, Australia
Posted by pingtang on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 7:03 AM
They are difficult to get, but they exist. I have some close up shots of the f2001, but can't remember where I got them from. There are some at this site:

but I'm not exactly sure whether it's a f2001. It might actually be the F2001 that they used for the first two races of the 2002 season. The barge boards and vodafone branding give it away. But everything else is f2001. It's definitely not a f2002.

After having a closer look at those images, I'm pretty sure it is the F2001 from 2002. The things changed were the barge boards, front wing and maybe some suspension details. It'll still be valid for F2001 reference.

I have a few limited pictures of the engine that I'll upload soon. They show a fair bit of detail. I'll upload all the images that I have of the f2001 to my photobucket account:

Hopefully I'll have uploaded them by the time you look at the gallery.

hope this helps.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 9:06 AM
dude, YOU ROCK!!!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 5:02 PM actually has ref. pics of this car that you can buy. They sell them in a pdf file and call them "pdf notes". There's all kinds available, and each package is usually about 1 British pound. I just bought several packages from them (including the F-2001 pics) and think they're pretty decent.

The link to all of their pdf notes is

The F-2001 pics are primarily of the engine/rear suspension area. I'm trusting that they're of the 2001 car, because I really don't know how to tell the difference. However the intake scoop is on the engine, so you can't really see much of the top of the engine.

Also, check out They sell copies of the March 2002 issue of F1 magazine, which has an indepth article and pics of the F-2001 car. ( go to "Other Great Stuff," and then click on "Research Material"... it should be second on the list). I also have this mag/article!!

Just as another plug for SMS, they have a reference CD full of Enzo pics for $15.00. I ordered this and cannot begin to describe how many good pics there are. If you're looking for Enzo reference/detail pics, this is a must.

Good luck

  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: NSW, Australia
Posted by pingtang on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 7:22 PM
I uploaded a couple more pictures today. Hope they are helpful.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 11:46 PM
thanks pingtang! thats plenty helpful!!! looks like im gonna need alot of c/f decals....

murray: did they get emailed to u? or did u have to pay shipping aswel?? ive seen the enzo cd and really wanted to buy it(along with the detail kit!!:)), but i dont have the cash atm...

oh, and ive been looking at the kit and noticed that there alot of blank white decals. im assuming this is wherte the tobbacco decals were? coz in those pics there r no tobbaco markings(i didnt look to hard tho). does the real race car have tobbacco ads on it?? coz i though they were banned(tobbacco ads) (maybe just here in oz)...

oh another thing, pingtang, was it u that told me uve seen models painted with 'power plus' spraycans??? if so, do u know wether these paints craze plastic??? coz i found a can of it the garage.
  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: NSW, Australia
Posted by pingtang on Thursday, November 4, 2004 5:56 AM
The F2001 did have tobacco markings (Marlboro). Though in certain countries it's aillegal to advertise tobacco at sporting events. In the 2001 F1 season I think it was France, Belguim and a few others didn't allow it. Tamiya have produced the French GP version so they can get away with not supplying Marlboro signs. I'm pretty sure Tobacco advertising was legal in Oz in 2001.

If you want Marlboro decals, Studio 27 are the ones to go for. You can get them through grand prix miniatures here in Oz. Same for the CF decals.

Don't know about the paint though. I've never tried that brand before, but if you prime the plastic properly it should be alright. Most of those auto paint brands make a plastics primer.

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