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Where can I find Scale Auto Style products?

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  • Member since
    August 2005
  • From: Greencastle, IN
Where can I find Scale Auto Style products?
Posted by eizzle on Monday, December 12, 2005 7:34 PM
Besides I am not all that happy with their customer service right now and don't see a point in wasting money with them. Anyhoo, I checked out Hobbylinc, Japan and they don't carry them, anybody else know where I might find it at? Thanks guys.


 Homer Simpson for president!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 12, 2005 8:54 PM

Do you mean this stuff????

  • Member since
    August 2005
  • From: Greencastle, IN
Posted by eizzle on Monday, December 12, 2005 9:23 PM
yeah, do you know if there is any place that carries it thats not overseas? Thanks Boss.


 Homer Simpson for president!!!

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 12, 2005 9:57 PM

Did you try your LHS??  Mine will order anything for me. They are a little mom & pop shop..... I like the smaller shops, they seem more willing to do stuff to keep your business...

  • Member since
    August 2005
  • From: Greencastle, IN
Posted by eizzle on Monday, December 12, 2005 10:04 PM

Yeah, I asked about it there a couple weeks ago. He said they didn't order much stuff like that because it just sits on there shelves. They are more focused on the armor and aircraft, but he said if I was willing to pay the shipping price he would order whatever I needed for me. I told him I can do that online (I said it as nicely as possible) and it was ok. He has ordered a lot of other kits for me before, but I don't think he orders much stuff from over seas? I found a site that carries them from the main site. Thanks again Boss.


 Homer Simpson for president!!!


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