Well! - everyone else has used up most of the words to describe your model! That you have achieved that result without resorting to filler or paint is absolutely incredible. I hate to think what the 1st place in the comp was.
I'm still struggling with 1/24 and thinking of shifting to 1/43. I can only agree with the previous correspondent (sorry Holley) to a certain extent when he refers to REAL modelling. Brady Ward's Scaleautoworks site is mainly Pocher stuff. Pocher builds (statistically) account for about 10 percent of kits sold, I have been told. Here in the UK their Fiat GP sales were greatly increased by an insurance company TV advert showing an average DAD and average WIFE enjoying building a Pocher with help from their 2.4 children on the polished dining room table. (I always feel sorry for the .4th - poor little sod always got left out!). As a serious warning though - you either love Pochers or you hate them. Kits are very expensive but are a challenge. In my own case, it was almost a lifes ambition and I had to do one or not rest until I had. Having said that it consumed 15 months of very pleasant time in which I made a lot of friends who I still keep in touch with. Pochers are an obsession - they are so bad that they are good - nothing makes a lot of sense - which make them a challenge. Anyway sorry to go on a bit. Have a look at my ALFA on Brady's site - some Pocher but largely scratch built to convert the Gran Sport into a Zagato Spyder. For the technically minded there are 32 pieces in the crankshaft alone, engine turns over, lights work, upholstery leather, door latches sprung, steering works, all rod brakes work from the foot brake. Each wheel has 143 parts.
Now for some serious 1/43 and I hope I can get them as good as your F50!!!! Cheers mate - Martin