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To spray or not to spray?

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  • Member since
    November 2005
To spray or not to spray?
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, August 7, 2003 8:39 PM
when painting the main body of a car, do you guys recommend spraying, or is it ok to brush it on. It I brush it on, will there be brush strokes and what's the best way to avoid them? Thanks!
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Dahlonega, Georgia
Posted by lizardqing on Thursday, August 7, 2003 8:50 PM
I like to spray and most of the time get a good look from it, with exceptions though refering to prior post. The models i brush painted years ago always had brush marks and never looked good, but maybe some can get a good result this way.
  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Thursday, August 7, 2003 9:59 PM
Doh-nut man,
I never ever hand brush a large area, no matter how confident I feel - I ALWAYS obtain better results spraying - I even get better results from a spray can than I do hand brushing, although I rarely use a can - I prefer to spray the paint into my airbrush jar using a short length of drinking straw as a funnel.
I do use spray can colors though, just make sure you shake the heck out of the can first, and place the can in a couple of inches of warm water for a few minutes to heat the can (you'll also heat the propellant inside the can, causing an expansion of the gas, causing an increase in internal air pressure within the vessel) - and by doing this you increase the atomisation effect of the paint coming out of the nozzle. It's MOST IMPORTANT you DON'T immerse the can in HOT or boiling water - you risk exploding the pressure vessel and paint will go everywhere and will pose a fire hazard.
Someone (rather indelicately) stated in one of these forums the other day - The last words of many rednecks - "Hey guys!! Watch this!!" Get the point?
Heating the can also helps the paint to lay down - you'll get a better finish.
Just practice on something to get the feel of how the paint comes out of the can and how it goes onto the surface of something before you test it out on your model.

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Maine,USA
Posted by dubix88 on Friday, August 8, 2003 8:42 AM
If you do decide to spray it make sure you do it in thin, VERY LIGHT coats. If you dont it will bubble and run. It will look awful and you will have to start again.

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