Here we go Bud, a breif photo posting instruction.
First of all you need to sign up for a photo host such as Photobucket or equivalent. There is several others on the market that also is free. All of them with different advantages.
After you got your account it's just a matter of following the instructions and upload the images you want to share with others to the account.
Before you upload images make sure you resize them and save them in jpg format in order to save some space on your account and keeping the pictures small enough to fit the screen. 800x600 or 600x480 is fine. This also benefits loading time for those on a dial-up 56K line and your own upload time to the account.
With 'bucket you get three different links to every picture, it's just a matter of knowing which one will work at the forum you want to post the picture at.
Here on FSM it's the one with the Image tag that will work, the bottom one beneath the picture.
On other forums it's the plain link without any tags that works, just check which one will work either by trying all of them one by one or read the forum instructions.
Here is the link to 'bucket,
I hope this made some sense to you, otherwise feel free to ask again.
Good luck!