The tail lights were red in the first release of this kit, take the clear ones, paint them red on the backside and they will look fine. The later Gulf style kits had the single type tail lamp.
Glad I could help...if eveybody in the hobby could do the same, we could all build the stuff on our shelves.
I didn't see "pay it forward" but I understand the concept...I love the early IMC GT40 kits, built 'em when I was young, I would laugh at the attempts today but that is not the point. You do the best with what you you have and what you can do when you are there.
I hope you enjoy the parts and they bring you joy in the memory of your father.
P.S......Decals, I am trying to find my folder of decals, I think I have a couple sets of these if I can put my hands on them...