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Darwin award / J.A.T.O. myth

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  • Member since
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Posted by Aaronw on Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:43 PM

 twofalls wrote:
No one ever 'fessed up to being the Mad Bomber.


Would you? Big Smile [:D]


 twofalls wrote:
Now, I have no idea whether this event ever actually happened or was even possible as described, but the guy who told me this is also the one who left an unmarked videotape of John Carpenter's "The Thing" at that camp just before the last flight left ahead of the long Antarctic winter. "Bull Sh** or Not? You decide!"

It would have been awesome if on his return he was greeted by a lone dog and apparently no people.  I'm sure people working in Antarctica over the winter have a lot of down time to plot revenge. Evil [}:)]

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Posted by twofalls on Friday, October 24, 2008 9:29 PM
A friend told me of the time  he was down in Antarctica when some "genius" put a JATO bottle on a sled and touched it off. The (fortunately) unmanned sledwent skittering across the ice like an old "Chicken Chaser" on the 4th of July, to the amusement of the bystanders. Gaiety fled (as did the bystanders) as the sled headed right back at the flight line. Fortunately for the C130 in its cross-hairs, the sled was deflected by a surface irregularity and went skooting off in a "safe" direction. No one ever 'fessed up to being the Mad Bomber. Now, I have no idea whether this event ever actually happened or was even possible as described, but the guy who told me this is also the one who left an unmarked videotape of John Carpenter's "The Thing" at that camp just before the last flight left ahead of the long Antarctic winter. "Bull Sh** or Not? You decide!"
"Hey, little cub, where's your mo.....!!!!!" Hugh Glass
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Posted by Cosmic J on Monday, January 28, 2008 7:53 AM

LOL! Laugh [(-D]

See, now y'all got me thinkin' about putting rockets on everything...

A Cessna light civilian plane... "Um guys, tell me again why this was a good idea?"

An M4 Sherman tank..."Berlin or Boom!"

A UPS or Fed/Ex truck..."Overnight my ***!"

An AMC Pacer / Domino's delivery car..."30 seconds or less, or you get it free!"

  • Member since
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Posted by Moon Puppy on Sunday, January 27, 2008 11:57 AM
 Aaronw wrote:
 Cosmic J wrote:

It doesn't look anything like I thought it would. For comic effect, I was kind of hopin' it would have ‘Air Force / J.A.T.O.' stenciled on the side in big letters. Time to engage in some artistic license.


I just had the image of one of those big red Looney Toons rockets with ACME stencilled on the side. Big Smile [:D]

 Hey, It would make a great subject. Maybe one of those Rocket Sleds Wiley always got. I never understood why he didn't just order a Pizza instead of all those expensive gadgets from ACME.

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Posted by Moon Puppy on Sunday, January 27, 2008 11:56 AM
 Cosmic J wrote:

Moon Puppy:

Go to any airshow where the Blue Angles are flying and you'll see a RATO. I think they do it most every time.

Yeah the general shape would be like a shaped charge RPG but it's much bigger. I could see shapping a O2 bottle from some large scale kit. Or just use a wooden dowl wrapped with sheet stryen and craft a cone on each end with plastic stock to simulate the head and nossle.


 Is the correct term JATO or RATO? Won't make any difference on the model, but it could keep me from looking foolish.

I was thinking about using some sci-fi accessories I have lying around, or a dowel coated w/ Miliput, but wrapping it in plastic might be the better idea. Thanks.

You should send me a PM w/ your real name; I'll give you a credit whenever I display the finished buildup. You've been a lot of help.

I think it's really interchangeable. The more proper term would be Rocket Assisted Take Off since these things are really rockets instead of jets. "JATO" has a better ring to it I think.

Hey, don't worry about giving credit, you're the builder. I'd go with what you know, Miliput may work better if you have experence working with it. 

Remember, we are told Post Counts don't matter! (unless it's really high)

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Posted by Cosmic J on Sunday, January 27, 2008 4:18 AM
 Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg] Right up until Moon Puppy showed me that picture of what they really looked like, I did too...
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Posted by Aaronw on Saturday, January 26, 2008 11:05 PM
 Cosmic J wrote:

It doesn't look anything like I thought it would. For comic effect, I was kind of hopin' it would have ‘Air Force / J.A.T.O.' stenciled on the side in big letters. Time to engage in some artistic license.


I just had the image of one of those big red Looney Toons rockets with ACME stencilled on the side. Big Smile [:D]

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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Saturday, January 26, 2008 4:56 PM


The JATO on Chevy story has been around at least since 1956.  I am dis-inclined to give it any credence, but it would make a nifty diorama (Hey, Molly Sue, watch this!)

Yeah, I don't believe it either, but it does make for a funny story. "Hey Lurlene! Check out what I done did to my pick-‘em up truck!" I would be interested in hearing the version you heard, if it's any different. It's the details that make a joke funny and a model interesting.

Moon Puppy:

Go to any airshow where the Blue Angles are flying and you'll see a RATO. I think they do it most every time.

Yeah the general shape would be like a shaped charge RPG but it's much bigger. I could see shapping a O2 bottle from some large scale kit. Or just use a wooden dowl wrapped with sheet stryen and craft a cone on each end with plastic stock to simulate the head and nossle.


 Is the correct term JATO or RATO? Won't make any difference on the model, but it could keep me from looking foolish.

I was thinking about using some sci-fi accessories I have lying around, or a dowel coated w/ Miliput, but wrapping it in plastic might be the better idea. Thanks.

You should send me a PM w/ your real name; I'll give you a credit whenever I display the finished buildup. You've been a lot of help.

  • Member since
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Posted by Moon Puppy on Friday, January 25, 2008 8:47 AM

Go to any airshow where the Blue Angles are flying and you'll see a RATO. I think they do it most every time.

Yeah the general shape would be like a shaped charge RPG but it's much bigger. I could see shapping a O2 bottle from some large scale kit. Or just use a wooden dowl wrapped with sheet stryen and craft a cone on each end with plastic stock to simulate the head and nossle.  

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Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, January 25, 2008 6:23 AM

Ahhh, very cool. I hadn't seen one in action before. Cool [8D]

Kinda looks like an elongated Panzerfaust warhead, don't you think? I might have some thing like that laying around I could modify.


Some people just have WAY to much time and money! 

Yeah, must be nice... Sigh [sigh]

  • Member since
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Posted by Moon Puppy on Friday, January 25, 2008 6:01 AM
 SprueOne wrote:

there is also this -



Some people just have WAY to much time and money! 

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Posted by Moon Puppy on Friday, January 25, 2008 5:59 AM

The red "Foot" is the mounting point where the JATO or RATO (Rocket Assisted Take Off) mates with the aircraft.

I"m sure you've seen Fat Albert doing it's thang right?

It's sitting on it's nozzle. I'm not sure how tall it would be, maybe you can do some guestimations from the photo of Fat Albert. I wouldn't think it would be more than 3 foot tall.


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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, January 25, 2008 3:32 AM

Moon Puppy:

Hows this work for ya? Any number of aircraft kits may have them also but will be a small scale I think. What scale are you looking to do? 

Thanks MP. That's pretty cool.

It doesn't look anything like I thought it would. For comic effect, I was kind of hopin' it would have ‘Air Force / J.A.T.O.' stenciled on the side in big letters. Time to engage in some artistic license.

Appears smaller than I thought it would too. How big is that? Looks to be about three feet tall. I'm assuming the wheel shaped structure at the bottom is a sort of ‘foot' to aid in storing it, and the nozzle or exhaust is on the top, is that correct?

The model I'm using is the Revell '66 El Camino two-in-one kit. It's 1/25 scale, so it's not likely they make a JATO model to suit my needs, but I expected to have to scratch build it anyway...

Thanks again man, I really appreciate your help.


The second was one which was done only recently.  This one involved strapping 3 JATO equivalent rockets to an impala (to be ingnited simultaneously), a ramp and a mountain side 1/4 mile (or so) away.  The myth here, was could the car become airborne and hit the side of the mountain.  Unfortunately, the rockets superceded the strength of the tubes and exploded on ignition, blowing the car to smithereens. 

Yeah! I just saw that the other day (repeat I suppose). Smithereens is right Laugh [(-D] . I don't know which was my favorite part: the sudden and completely unexpected explosion, or when the flaming wreckage continued up and over the ramp as a loose flaming tangle of debris. I have a feeling they're going to try that one again...


there is also this -

 Shock [:O] Dude! I thought that was photoshopped when I saw that first picture, then I kept reading. I was laughing so hard my wife came running in to see what was going on.

I get a few car models under my belt, and I just might have to try to model that.


Go for it. Cool project.

Thank you. Cool [8D]

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Posted by SprueOne on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:40 PM
 Cosmic J wrote:

Y'all know that urban myth about the guy who strapped a Jet Assist Take Off device to the back of his truck, then launched himself into the side of a mountain?

I'm thinking about trying to build a model of this ride. I kind of want to use an El Camino, but any late 1970's truck would do.

Normally I build military and sci-fi type stuff, so I have no idea of a good truck kit to start with. If anybody could give me some advice or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. 


I suggest a 1/25 semi tractor of your choice. Actually a cab over would be nice for this. then scratch build a jet for the back and through. I mean, for it to look right, the front vacuum would extend out the front somehow.

Go for it. Cool project.



Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


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Street Legal Jet Powered Beetle
Posted by SprueOne on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:36 PM

there is also this -



Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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Posted by Gigatron on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:02 PM

Actually, the mythbusters have done two rocket propelled car myths.

The first was their very first episode in which they did the rocket propelled impala on  a straight run.  The rockets were launched sequentially to achieve the longest and fastest land speed.

The second was one which was done only recently.  This one involved strapping 3 JATO equivalent rockets to an impala (to be ingnited simultaneously), a ramp and a mountain side 1/4 mile (or so) away.  The myth here, was could the car become airborne and hit the side of the mountain.  Unfortunately, the rockets superceded the strength of the tubes and exploded on ignition, blowing the car to smithereens. 

On the upside, the second dio would be real easy to do, especially if you do an "after" scene.  Cut the car parts off the sprue and hit it with a blow torch - done and done.



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Posted by Moon Puppy on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:05 AM


Hows this work for ya? Any number of aircraft kits may have them also but will be a small scale I think. What scale are you looking to do? 

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Posted by Cosmic J on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:32 PM

Whistling [:-^]

Cool [8D]

Well, since I have the attention of gentlemen who would know...can anyone give me references on what a J.A.T.O. bottle actually looks like? Shape, size, color, stencils etc?


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Posted by Moon Puppy on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:44 PM

You guys ever heard of the Mythbusters? They did this!


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Posted by Silverback on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:28 PM
 Archangel Shooter wrote:

At my first duty station at MCAAF Bougue Field in '71,  I heard tale of a car being straped to one of the ground based catapults and shot off into the Bougue Sound. Same was done to some old Tomcat, the 4 legged kind. 


Man, thanks for dredging up some nasty memories!  Sand fleas, 110% humidity and mosquitos so big they needed nav lights.  Good ol' Bogey Field.  Gonna need some Uncle Jack therapy to shut THAT door.

Yeah, I heard the braggart-tale of a cat shot auto (supposed to have been an early Ford Falcon that one of the officers borrower, then rolled, or something in that vein) in 1967.  The Sound is so murkey that you could probably punt the Hindenburg out there and no one would ever see it again, so the rumor remains comfortably hard to verify.  Kinda like the sea story about the Phantom that got his hook into the Mor-Arrest gear and ended up dragging a half-mile of anchor chain back to Cherry Point (as if...).  Never heard of them doin' a cat shot with a real cat, however.

The JATO on Chevy story has been around at least since 1956.  I am dis-inclined to give it any credence, but it would make a nifty diorama (Hey, Molly Sue, watch this!)



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Posted by Cosmic J on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:27 AM

Archangel Shooter:

At my first duty station at MCAAF Bougue Field in '71,  I heard tale of a car being straped to one of the ground based catapults and shot off into the Bougue Sound.

Big Smile [:D] Nobody in it, I hope...

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Posted by Archangel Shooter on Monday, January 21, 2008 9:54 AM

At my first duty station at MCAAF Bougue Field in '71,  I heard tale of a car being straped to one of the ground based catapults and shot off into the Bougue Sound. Same was done to some old Tomcat, the 4 legged kind. 


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 On the bench: So many hanger queens.



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Posted by Cosmic J on Monday, January 21, 2008 2:21 AM


Not sure if you are just building a similar thing or wanted to do the original myth. In the original it was a '67 Impala.

Yeah, yeah! That's the one. Smile [:)]

First time I heard the story, it was a truck of some kind, rigged w/ the J.A.T.O. by an Air force reservist somewhere out in Arizona or New Mexico.

Supposedly, he rigged the vehicle, climbed in and fired it up. Two seconds after ignition, he hit a bump in the road, and was launched into the air, exploding upon crashing into the side of a mountain.

In the wreckage was found a mangled rear bumper sporting a sticker that read: "Don't like my driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-S***!"

It was years later I heard the Impala version. The show "Mythbusters" replicated it in their first episode. When I saw it, I kinda thought the Impala looked too ‘classy' to be used in such a way, so I kind of put the project back in the ‘Idea Bin'.

Recently, however, I saw an episode of "My Name is Earl". The El Camino is the ride of choice on that show, and upon seeing it I had one of those moments of "Ah ha! That's it!"  

The idea has been stewing in the back of my brain ever since.


Personally I think the Revell '66 would be the way to go, they usually fit better and offer better detail. Plus, it's a 2-in-1 kit, so you have some options to choose from.

Thanks, man. I found one of those in my local Wal-Mart stores over the weekend for $10. Poetic synchronicity? You decide.

Now I just need an easy way to replicate the bumper sticker...

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Posted by Jim Barton on Friday, January 18, 2008 8:53 PM
I like the idea of the El Camino, though. I've always liked those cars.

"Whaddya mean 'Who's flying the plane?!' Nobody's flying the plane!"

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Posted by Aaronw on Friday, January 18, 2008 4:28 PM

Not sure if you are just building a similar thing or wanted to do the original myth. In the original it was a '67 Impala.

"The operator was driving a 1967 Chevy Impala. He ignited the JATO unit approximately 3.9 miles from the crash site. This was established by the location of a prominently scorched and melted strip of asphalt. The vehicle quickly reached a speed of between 250 and 300 mph and continued at that speed, under full power, for an additional 20-25 seconds. The soon-to-be pilot experienced G-forces usually reserved for dog-fighting F-14 jocks under full afterburners."

Sounds like a fun diversion (the kit not doing this 1-1). :)

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Posted by acmodeler01 on Friday, January 18, 2008 1:52 PM

Revell makes a '66, AMT makes a '59, a '66, and an '86. Personally I think the Revell '66 would be the way to go, they usually fit better and offer better detail. Plus, it's a 2-in-1 kit, so you have some options to choose from.

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Darwin award / J.A.T.O. myth
Posted by Cosmic J on Friday, January 18, 2008 1:19 PM

Y'all know that urban myth about the guy who strapped a Jet Assist Take Off device to the back of his truck, then launched himself into the side of a mountain?

I'm thinking about trying to build a model of this ride. I kind of want to use an El Camino, but any late 1970's truck would do.

Normally I build military and sci-fi type stuff, so I have no idea of a good truck kit to start with. If anybody could give me some advice or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. 


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