Tell me of materials for scratchebuild, rebuilds, add a little or a lot of this or that for making somethin, more inside my head than on the table or maybe even on my chopping boards.
I AM LOOKING for ALL INQUISITIVE BUILDERS doing lots OF SCRATCH BUILDS AND SUCH...I don't see myself jumping in too deep, but I have some reasons already to be wanting to know about scratchbuild materials. I assume I need a few supplies like sheet plastic at 12 x 18 x.020 Maybe a couple sheets of 6X6X.020, couple at 6X6X.010
I will also be needing tools that will help with scribing panel lines on spacecraft, place rivet heads where and when I want them to appear things in this regard. How DO rivets get placed along panel lines, around edges of plate caps, anywhere they might be needed?
If you are into adding greater details or maybe light modification of some model points, what would you try using? What would you buy, and how much of whatever "thing" you'll need it for. Share a build story with us on something that went super well, or super bad.
Does anyone use and/or NEED sheet styrene, or styrene strips, round stock, ???? How about paint brand preferences, what dealer or company has the best prices on this stuff. What is a fair amount to have for just having it around
Can anyone suggest some items I might find helpful to have around in almost any workbench along the lines of what I've described herein? Does anyone have a few favorite "things" you use more often to do thing you want done and can "create" or "make" whatever they need from stuff you have on hand? If there are great differences in costs of paint between one supplier and another so that anyone interested in pinching pennies has the opportunity to save a dime or two. Same on sheet styrene, strip styrene, tubing, ANYTHING like this. It would really help me find dealers and suppliers that would give the better deals, and keep me in good stead with materials and paint/supplies todo the kind of job I want when I'm finishing my project.
Whoever can answer this, or that, or any of this I've dwelt UPON for far too long this post?I'd appreciate suggestings for cheaper prices, for the most basic materials a starting scratchbuilder might need, best prices on paint, tools, etc?
And if I ask too much, forgive me,