DON,this is just for you.I have in my inventory of collectibles a ship.NOT just any ship,but a U.S. BATTLESHIP! Now here,s the clincher,its a papermodel! It is from 1942! and it,s so far from accurate as to give a perfectionist modeler a heart attack! I picked it up at a bookstore in CROCKETT ,CALIFORNIA years ago(15) and still look at it with wonder.
I do wonder why more haven,t shown up on the marketplace .This thing has got to be rare! Do you remember them?Two box tops and a dime would get you one,really! They were in dark navy blue too!I just wanted to see if you,ve ever seen any and what kind of condition they were in.I also have a KALMBACH book about the AMERICAN fleet and the publish date was 1942. Tell me what you think ,okay? TANKERbuilder