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  • Member since
    August 2008
Posted by tankerbuilder on Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:38 PM

OKAY , now calm down , I don,t have any for sale . What I do have is just as good . With a few good pictures of the port and starboard sides and a top view you should be able to build one . I know you say BUT how ? It,s sitting right in front of you IF you have theold goodies that REVELL put out more than once .That is the "HAWAIIAN PILOT " or the" DR,LYKES" or any of the other iteration of the ship that won,t go away . You can backdate this vessel into the first or second production designs of this also valuable ship that helped fight the war on two fronts . It,s really not that hard .Get some really good pics of the " LANE VICTORY " or another .I served aboard the' OCALA VICTORY 'in the late 60s and early 70s . I don,t have my photos I took while aboard .They are" blowin in the wind" ,Pardon the song PUN .My house was a victim of the tornadoes of 82 that tore up ARKANSAS .SOO , no photos or memorbilia from there or my service in the NAVY or the CORPS .That,s life .Being an engineer I can assure the conversion isn,t as hard as it seems . If you wanna find out how give this post a reply .Remember , I STILL can,t send pics here .        tankerbuilder


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