Now here's one for you .
Has anyone thought about this. We have all kinds of Da-Vinci stuff. How about this Guy? Say something simple, like his famous water Pump. Very basic that. A hollow tube ( Ceramic or Wood.) Then this wooden spiral device inside .When cranked after being set in water ,it lifted the water to a higher level .Viola! Irrigation Pump! He had a knob on the lower end that mounted in a small cross-piece and the same at the top,except the top end had a handle for turning it attached ,This all kept it centered .
I saw the drawings in a Museum and never forgot them. Haven't built one yet. Scale ? -Who Knows? I don't know what scale Rotini comes in. Yes,when sealed, you can use pasta for parts. Just Don't cook it ! The Rotini ( if straight ) can be inserted into a large straw and then the other pieces made to accomodate it . Just think.The first in you neighborhood to have a model of the first irrigation pump of a screw design! the Archimedes Screw !