Hello There!
Today we'll talk about a subject we all know well. Choice of materials for a project. How many of you prefer wood? How many Sheet Styrene? See, there is a consensus out there that if we use plastic it's a toy. Why is this? Polystyrene sheets( Embossed or Not ) and Strip gives a lot of choices during the build. Same with wood. Wood now, requires a little bit more finess, but it was the standard Long before plastic was ever heard of!
Okay, how about found materials? This can be anything from a Cat's whisker.( Don't get from the source,Wait for one to drop ! )to an old film canister. What's a film canister? Do you really have to ask? Anyway, found material ranges from the ridiculous to the sublime, Really ! I mean, Old panty Hose for vent covers ,to Wire from that old radio for specific tubing detail on a small part.
Now here's one I love to work with. Sheet Acrylic in all thicknesses. Yes, You can get Rod and Tube too. What started me on the Acrylic was purely accidental. I was walking through an old house and they had a half wall between the kitchen and dining area. The house was scheduled for demo, so I asked if I could take anything I found another use for . On the half wall was square Acrylic Rod ( about 3/4") twisted for the length like a Twizzler. First thing I thought of. Rods for ship stands and Airplanes too!
Well, the workability of the stuff got me hooked. What I like most is I can drill and tap a hole for a bolt or screw and bolt and screw, as well glue, Acrylic together in high stress areas too. It takes All types of paint including " Hot " automotive paint !
Think about your choice of materials and how you came to choose them . Let's hear from you on your choices and why. Tanker - Builder