Bettya thought I gave up didn't you?
Fooled ya! Now over to the bench and all those weird looking parts. Okay, here's where it gets weird anyway. You have to very carefully mount the bottle parts to the wood. No! Do not use superglue! I used a silicon type cement I got from the hardware store . We use it at the Rail-Road museum and it works great.
Put a thin Bead down both sides carefully placing the bottle parts in place . Don't worry about the bow and stern yet. Go have an Iced Tea ,Beer, or Cup of Coffee and a Cinnamon Roll. See, I tried to peek on you, but I don't know what time of day it is where you are.
The bow piece should be prepared after part 2. Fine, now carefully mount it, fudging and moving till it tapers and mates with the bow curve at the deck. If you have some hanging over, don't worry. We'll cut that off later.
Note; Do you have some medium or small Pill Bottles around, Empty? The reason I ask about them is this. All her above deck features will reflect a turret type shape on all the houses. Save time and use something you would throw out anyway.
Catchya next time. T.B.