What I used to do.
Years ago( No, I ain't sayin how many!) I collected model shipwrecks from a local Fountain. ( I couldn't afford even a 98 cent kit then.) I would take my loot home and then?????
I would spread all the parts out on my newspaper covered card table. Let's see here's a bow I can use, Aha! heres another! Now let's see, I can use these sides. Hmm.
Often if it was really salvageable I would try to match contours and then glue one Stern section onto another Bow section. I did this with the M.V.Brazil and the N.S. Savannah! Granted It wasn't a Nuclear ship anymore, but, she was a much longer but pretty Passenger/Freight vessel. And no one could find the seams after I sanded the plastic. Remember this was before plastic Putty.
I made good use of Scrap Plastic Sprue, Sheet and Cardstock as well. This was actually fun as I never knew in advance what the finished vessel would look like. I even took a leftover wreck of the Robt.E.Lee I found in the sand and made a Car Ferry out of it. That was back when H.O. Sized ( or Close ) Polyethylene autos were available for a dollar per hundred!
My advice here is do a What - If and don't throw away any more than you have too.
I used to take the Sprue from Monogram Stock car kits and use the shaped sprue to make more roll cages for more Cars, especially Demo-Derby cars!