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Writing with a Bic? Flicking one?

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  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Writing with a Bic? Flicking one?
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Thursday, January 12, 2023 1:14 PM

Okay !

         You Non-Smokers out there that have to write everything down. How many of you buy the ubiquitus pens we all refer to as Bic pens? That would be the round stick type of course. When you've used all the ink Don't throw them away. Put at least six in your parts drawer! Why, Torpedoes and Large shells, Bombs, Oil drums etc. the list is endless.

          You Smokers or Quitters out there. Are you into science Fiction? Star trek Movie type. Spock! He Died, Was sent in his burial capsule to the Resurrection Planet. The Bic Lighter with Epoxy or Putty shaped ends(Milliput Too!) and sanded to shape makes a nice little burial capsule to send Spock on his way. Neat diorama It would make. Kirk, Scotty and others standing before the Pod, on a catafalque just inside the Shield emitter protected atmo in the compartment?


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