Ditto the previous poster who said that sprue has a "memory." What I have found that seems to make a huge difference in whether the stretched pieces stay straight long term is how they dry - cure might be a better word.
After I stretch out a piece to the desired diameter, I take it and tape one end to the top wall section of the pass-through between my kitchen and dining room/worktable, which leaves the opposite or bottom end hanging free. To that I attach a larger black metal spring clamp (any light weight would do) and then let it just hang there for a day or two. Kind of like prestressed concrete bridge sections, if the sprue cures under tension like that, it has shown much less of a tendency to turn into something resembling a curlycue pig's tail.
And I also make whatever stretched sprue I need fresh for each model, I haven't had much luck storing it long term either.