as this is a flat bottom boat, I took the deck shape and the bottom hull shape off a diagram of the Osterman 23 then added some bulkheads to match each. I did it freehand off the computer screen {my printer took a dump so I really had to guess} the angle at the stern and bow are guesstaments off the screen.
I owned an Islander 26 sloop, very fast Islander, and I stole some of the ldeas from that. I hope to have sails made of old hankerchiefs. the booms will be old school that have been shaped from chopsticks.
looking around nobody seems to make ketch's, schoooners yes but no ketch's or yawl's. The next time I do this, I will do an interior and probably do three, sloop, ketch and yawl
A Yawl is a sailboat with 2 masts, the aft mast is aft of the rudder post, if it is ahead of the rudderpost, it is a Ketch, unless the the foremast is taller than the aft mast, then it is a Schooner, unless it is filed with beer, then it is a STEIN