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Need help making wheel hubs.

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  • Member since
    March 2005
  • From: The Red Hills of South Carolina
Posted by grizz30_06 on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:48 AM

Have you tried modeling clay?  If you don't like how it works you can just wash it off.


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  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Sunman, IN
Need help making wheel hubs.
Posted by VIPER0177 on Saturday, May 10, 2008 5:00 PM
 I have a problem. I lost the wheel hubs too my 1/32 A-10 and need them to finish it. After some very colorful words and a cold beverage I figured that if I could push/pour something into the wheel opening I could either use that as a positive for a mold or use that as the part. The trouble is I'm not sure what to use either way. I don't want to destroy the detail on the wheels so I was thinking something I could pour in if so what would that be and what can I use as a release agent? Thank you
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