Thanks for the kind words!... I too have a Howard project in the works, a DGA-8. (Love those orange and black schemes),.I got hold of a set of plans on ebay, and scaled them down to 1/48,..traced the bulkheads, fuselage top, and fuselage sides onto sheet styrene, and built it like you would built a wood model. The bottom of the fuselage was filled in with Bondo, and shaped to the exposed bulkhead bottoms. The cowling was taken from my spare parts box, (I think it was originally from a VEB/Plasticart TU-2, (size, and shape appear to be pretty close!). On the Monocoupe, the cowl blisters were made by sanding down plastic dowel rod, (same width of the blisters), too half its size, (half round on top, flat on the bottom), cutting pieces to length, then sanding to a teardrop shape. This took a lot of time, and a lot of patients! Then glued them to the cowl, filled and sanded,..This also took a lot of time and patients! I know there are a lot of people out there who are turned off by the amount of stress, and pressure involved to do tedious and small work, but the finished product is well worth it! For me, it was a matter of, If you want something bad enough, will do what you have to do to achieve it! Clear thinking, and planning also helps! (I'm still working on that one!). Good luck on you built! Would love to see it posted when you are finished! Cheers! Dave.