But when it comes to gluing, I use liguid glue, capiliary action is your friend and as it melts the plastic you squeeze out molten plastic to make the required 'putty' to begin with. Let it harden properly of course which means patience (hardest skill to learn in the hobby :)). And I simply file sand whatever the molten seam smooth.
I learned over the years, that in almost every case (nothing is perfect eh), if you buy from the right source, the kit likely has next to no gap to begin with. Granted, as you go back in time, kits get progressively more and more demanding.
I just plain like the way Tamiya and Hasegawa do their kits. As much as I like some companies for some branches of the hobby, there are some companies that while they do great in one area, they simply don't do great in others.
I am a biased Tamiya fan mainly because what they do good, they do good in the entire catalogue.
Until for instance Dragon can wow me in more than just German tank models, all they will be to me, is a German tank model making company.