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Racing planes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Racing planes
Posted by Don Stauffer on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:07 AM

I bought an old book from a guy at a model club meeting a month ago, on air racing.  Wonderful book, and there are so many neat planes in there!

It is a shame that so few racing planes are kitted.  Some of the sleekest, most beautiful aircraft were racing planes.  Many were definitely civil, with civil registration, though a few were military or modified military planes.  I particularly like the Schneider Cup planes- 400 mph seaplanes! 

I do have a few models of these.  Seems like the only kits are the successful ones- the winners and especially multiple winners.  Yet some of the most beautiful of the bunch were not necessarily winners.  I might be able to scratch some of them, but finding good scale drawings and details is almost as hard as finding kits!

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

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  • From: Illinois: Hive of Scum and Villany
Posted by Sprue-ce Goose on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:20 AM

Air Classics printed an article sometime in the mid to late 1970s about Roscoe Turner with lots of race plane photos.

Unfortunately, my copy was destroyed during a flood in Sept 2008.


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Posted by Stage_Left on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 12:02 PM

Don- yes, I've found it difficult as well to find good reference material on the racers, especially the 'golden era' planes. I did resort to Youtube, and did find a clip from 1931 of Lowell Bayles climbing into and flying a Gee Bee Z. There's a closeup of Bayles in the cockpit. Unfortunately, the clip also documents the demise of plane and pilot- he was attempting to set a speed record.

  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Thursday, February 16, 2012 8:47 AM


Don- yes, I've found it difficult as well to find good reference material on the racers, especially the 'golden era' planes. I did resort to Youtube, and did find a clip from 1931 of Lowell Bayles climbing into and flying a Gee Bee Z. There's a closeup of Bayles in the cockpit. Unfortunately, the clip also documents the demise of plane and pilot- he was attempting to set a speed record.

Yes, the big thing I came away from the book with was what a cruel sport it was!  The book covered 1909 through 1939, and the last few years were particularly brutal.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

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  • From: Northern California
Posted by jeaton01 on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:59 PM

I found a copy of Foxworth's "The Speed Seekers recently and understand it's one of the better references on this subject.  I'll know for sure when I get it in a few days.  I do have Ken Wilson's magazine article mentioned previously about Roscoe Turner and used it when I built my Lindberg 1/32 kit.  I also have Charles Mendenhall's books which are not too reliable but useful in some ways, and 3 of Reed Kinert's books and I wish I had the rest.

It is indeed a scratchbuilder's paradise!Big Smile


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  • From: Carmel, CA
Posted by bondoman on Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:34 AM

Fascinating subjects. I've got a bunch in my stash, but I don't ever seem to get around to building them. As kits, racing planes are pretty idiosyncratic.

Here's a Schoenfeldt Firecracker racer kit, Williams Bros. 1/32 that my good friend Dave gave me for Christmas. I have never known of this a/c, but I read the instruction blurb and then of course did some www research.

Here's a Airfix 1/72 Supermarine S.6B that Sean gave me. Still labeled $ 1.00 on the bag.

Card Model Macchi M.C.72 in 1/24. Bought that for a Swanny's Floater GB but it needs anew set of skills.

The Hawk 1/48 Curtis Racer and Travel Air Mystery Ship. I picked these up at a table at Reno in 2010 when I helped my late Father in Law go to his last Air Race.

By the way I picked this up at a show the other day, thinking about Don's Midget in the magazine

Speaking of Reno, the Galloping Ghost. Taken in 2010.

I'm game to build any/all of these. I wish i had more books too. Don, my FIL, passed on boxes and boxes of programs from Reno, hats and other swag, and thousands of photos over the last fifty years.


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Posted by artworks2 on Sunday, March 18, 2012 2:31 AM

Hi Don

Figured I'd chime in on Schnider Cup models, They are truely beautiful aircraft. Here is my try at one. another 40 hours of work should make this a nice model to have.


  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Sunday, March 18, 2012 10:49 AM


Hi Don

Figured I'd chime in on Schnider Cup models, They are truely beautiful aircraft. Here is my try at one. another 40 hours of work should make this a nice model to have.


Thanks for sharing.  Nice to see someone attempting a scratch project for a racing plane!

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

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  • From: UK
Posted by PatW on Sunday, January 6, 2013 11:58 AM

As you may remember Don I've just finished the Curtis R3X-2 and have a 1/72  DH88 Comet still in it's bag (old kit)

I've also looked a air racing -reno and 1930's air racers on google.

Remember , common sense is not common.

  • Member since
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  • From: Merton, Wisconsin
Posted by bigfoot01 on Monday, January 7, 2013 4:04 PM

If you guys are on Facebook, look up "Precious Metal Magazine". It is loaded with tons of really incredible Air Racers and Warbird Photos. Currently they are running a contest for digital modeling of air racers.



  • Member since
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  • From: UK
Posted by PatW on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 10:22 AM

It's a pity it's only on Facebook as I'm not!

Remember , common sense is not common.

  • Member since
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Posted by dmaastr on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7:27 AM

I love racing planes also, here are some pics of my 1/48th Special Hobby Goodyear F2G Corsair I built a few years ago.  I'm not sure if this kit is still available but it sure made an impressive model.

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Posted by dmaastr on Friday, February 1, 2013 7:54 AM

Here are some pics of my 1/32nd scale Laird Turner Meteor.  It's the old Lindberg kit with a scratch built cockpit added.  I used a ton of plastic rod to frame out the fuselage stringers and the support structures.  The dash,seat, top scoop and starboard side scoops are also scratch built.

  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Friday, February 1, 2013 9:03 AM

Looks great. I finished that kit about a year ago, and made some of the same mods, but your cockpit far exceeds what I did.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

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Posted by knabria on Thursday, February 7, 2013 7:47 PM

Check for 3-views and photo references. Also for Raceplane decals (

  • Member since
    August 2012
Posted by famvburg on Friday, February 8, 2013 9:59 AM

High Planes does a bunch of 1/72 and some 1/48 racers.

  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Saturday, February 9, 2013 9:26 AM


High Planes does a bunch of 1/72 and some 1/48 racers.

Are they any good? Or are they like Dekno, expensive resin kits that are so-so in detail?

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
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Posted by Guild Aero on Sunday, March 17, 2013 6:44 PM

Gents, in my usual need to stick my middle up to convention, current thinking and all that sheepish tosh I am working on a series of civil and experimental aircraft kits in 1/48th vac-form.  Kind of  "scratch-assist" in style.  Some w/m bits, but no expensive mucky resin.

The first in the line-up are the Fairey FD2 world speed record a/c and the second is the Supermarine S5 Schneider plane.  After that there will be such things as Cassutts, Edge racers and a lot of British civil types as that's where my interests lie.  Although, I could be tempted by a Stinson Reliant.  I have a Reliant car, you see?

I also rather like small twins.  Short Scion, Percival, Q6, Miles Gemini, Spartan Executive.

I will keep you posted on progress.

Civil kites have been the underdogs for too long.  I HATE cammo!!



  • Member since
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Posted by Guild Aero on Monday, March 18, 2013 9:01 AM

Don, the Nemesis F1 racer was very well reviewed in 1/48th scale. It looks to be very nicely done. They are all Reno racers apart from Nemesis.  But include famous kites like Rare Bear and Precious Metal.

And some of the lovely Sea Furies like Furias.  A bit pricey in 48th, but they are coming all the way from Oz.


  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Monday, March 18, 2013 9:35 AM

So the Nemesis is one of those High Plains kits?  I'll have to take a look!

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
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Posted by Guild Aero on Monday, March 18, 2013 10:38 AM

Shame it was that boring white livery!  But yes, it's one of their's in 1/48th scale.


  • Member since
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  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 9:29 AM

I just looked at their web page.  All I saw were unlimiteds, no F1.

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
    March 2013
Posted by Guild Aero on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 2:35 PM

If you just check their 1/48th scale section, you'll come to the Nemesis as I recall.


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