Nope-can't do the cargo compartment on a lathe- it is not round. It is sort of lightbulb shaped in section.
However, my early modeling experiences with non-flying scale models were with what we called solid models. These were before plastic kits, and the kits were wood, sawn to profile, and in better kits, also to planform (top view). The builder had to carve the cross section. I did enough back then that I am a pretty proficient carver.
In plastic I could cut formers and skin most of that area with styrene sheet, but the front and rear of the cargo container is made up of compound curves, which are hard to make in plastic without carving a mold and vacuforming, or laying up fiberglas on a mold. Since I would have to carve molds anyway, to me it is just easier to carve the whole thing, so it will be heavy! But there a lot of landing gears to support it!