After much experimenting, I was able to make some decals for my 1/35th figures. I used the Testor's decal maker and MS paint. They're not commercial quality, and this is an experiment, but they beat hand-painting... I was able to get a Gefreiter in as well. The SSI represent the 34th, 35th, 36th, and 1st Infantry Divisions, with 1st Armored and 101st Airborne as well.
On my printer, the decals print out smaller than shown here.
Primitive, but the best I can do so far free-handing MS paint. Anyone who wants them, feel free to steal them, I'd like some feedback. Save them as a bmp file. One thing I noticed is that the inks are pretty thin and may require a white undercoat on the figure. I know that Eduard makes German PE stuff, but I'm a cheapskate... I may be able to increase the quality someday though...
Anyway, it's a way to save a buck or three, and bring up the level of detail I can apply to the figures. Like I said, hand-painting this stuff is a skill I haven't been able to master . When I do it, it looks like graffitti.