Few days ago searching through my grandfather's things, I found several photos taken by him on the Eastern Front, and sent to my grandmother. As probably you know, the Romanian Army fought both the Russians and Germans. Furthermore, according to statistics, Romania is the fourth country to contribute to the defeat of the Third Reich, shorthening the war with at least 6 months. Nevertheless, that contribution has never been recognized, and moreover, due to political reasons, Romania was forced to pay huge war debts to Russia, a more than unfair policy regarding ths country. Moreover, the Red Army had brought the "beneftis" of communism to my country, pushing it back with more than 50 years.....
Hope you will enjoy these photos and, please scroll down till the end of this post.
Of course, as you could see, there are some photos of a 1/72 diorama that I am working on, still have to add a lot of things, and more details about it will folllow in a future topic when it will be ready.
Figures and house are from Pegasus Hobbies and there are also a lot of items from scratch. The diorama will include both the winter and summer Pegasus' Russians. The house is the Russian Log House-two story (Large Karilian region izba) to which I add some things. The soldiers are not set it their final positions, I have just played a little to see how they appear in the diorama.
I hope you did not mind about this joke, and there was no joke about the Romanian army's contribution. Also both my grandparents fought the Russians and Germans, from Russia to Tatra mountains.
Cristian Florescu