Thanks again, Stern0 and Dougumus!
Here's 10 more pictures with the usual captions...
So my birthday was yesterday (2 hours into 1st February now) and turned 17... Talked to my dad in the morning over the phone about towercranes and war history (It's usual chat between me and him) and I woke up and left my bedroom which is enclosed to all light... At once the door opened I was about to fall back in... SUN!!!! Sun for the first time for months!! It was... strong...
So here's a picture of him in the sun... And the face is still not touched up...
And a picture of while the arms was finished painted:
I tought it might be way easier to get the Grossdeutschland armband decal on the arm before I attach it to the figure.. So I did, with some very careful lining, and one accident, and a little more lining, it came out a little tiny bit crocked... Is it as bad as I believe and should sand it down, or it is OK?
I also primed the hands themselves and painted the sleeves of the serviceshirt in the usual blue. This time a little extra exagerated, as they will be very hidden... The plasticcard helped alot
And the MG 42 got assembled, and muzzle end drilled out..
Testfitting shows it went on well, so I saved myself alot of work here, Sponge!!!
And then the MG 42 got painted... Yes, I took a wire and looped it, twisted it and stuck it in the muzzle to have something to grip while priming and painting... The toothpicks were to thick and if I trimmed them down they would just snap...
So the puzzle is finally coming together.. Any comments, suggestions and questions is highly appriciated!!