That's a nice find... although, I don't know, maybe with modification it could be pulled off- however the prone figure and the figure standing on the far left look out of place. Prone guy looks like he might be foating a little and I hope the tank wasn't moving too fast because I feel like any slight turn would send him rolling off the side. Not to mention he kind of seems really over the top dramatic spearheading a tank charge with his MG. Standing guy looks like he was running/jogging briskly from the engine deck up to the front.
I agree that this is a very nice kit as far as the subject goes and the molds look excelent. Just... I think if I was to use this I'd move those two figures to positions on the grond near by the tank? Just my 2 cents. Take that with a hefty grain of salt though- I usually like my tank riders posed in the cliche Russian tank desant