The figure looks great, Stick.
Aint it a teeny tiny world? In October 1983 I was a lowly knob at the Citadel in Charleston, SC. My dad was visiting and had me out at Charleston AFB in the VOQ for my first overnight away from campus. He kept getting calls on the room phone, they all went like this "no, it's an unsecure line. I can go to the command post for a secure phone."
Then he dropped me back off at the barracks, apologized, and said he couldn't tell me anything, but to read the paper the next day. He left.
I found out later he caught a hop to Bragg and form there on a 130, he was on the first plane over the island as part of the invasion. He was air mission commander for the invasion. That was good for some relaxed discipine at a military college, at least for a week or two.
Anyway, Nice figgie, sorry I coldnt make the meeting tonight.