Hi All.
Just wanted to add the following before returning you to the topic:
If you want to find out more about pirated anime goods go and visit:
Very nice page with some good info.
In addition to the page a few more points:
1.) Japan uses a system by which the price of an item is regulated, the agreed price NEEDS to be printed on the BOX/Packaging. Items can be sold below that price, but very seldom above it.
Some companies will show the price as part of the Item number:
e.g.: xx-yyyyy-9800
Where 9800 is the yen price of the Item.
The other way prices are written is in a Box/Rectangle surrounding the price
2.) Items will ALWAYS specify Maker and on what SERIES/GAME it is based, Sculptor name, etc and the makers adress will ALWAYS be in Japan.
3.) Resin Kits are produced in low numbers usually only a few hundreds (molds don't last long) and are usually sold out very quickly 6-12mnths re-issues are rare. Kits can be found after that time period but only in very small quantities.
4.) Any shop offering you spare/replacement parts that is NOT based in japan most likely makes them in the back-room and if they do the parts ...
5.) Packaging can be verified with Sites like Hobby Link Japan that show the original packaging, if it doesn't come in the riginal packaging turn it down.
6.) Even Only Kits:
This is something unique to japan anybody can sculpt and cast Kits and sell them at a convention in japan, the seller needs to apply for a 1-day licence exception with the event organisers. 6~9 mnths prior.
Usually those EO-Kits are sold in small quantities of 30~50, giving the average attendance figure of 15.000~20.000 per Event not a lot.
I have been to Events where there were 1.500 dealers.
The good ones are often sold out within 20 minutes and unfortunately many end up in the hands of recasters.
The Guys selling at those Events sculpt and produce kits in their spare-time and usually hope to break even and make enough money for an after-event party with friends.
These Kits will also sports the licencing sticker, item price, maker, series and at which Event it was sold.
Recasting and pirated goods are hurting the Anime market badly, already many Companies stopped producing goods or gone out of business due to recasting (Kaiyodo, Fewture, etc.) as the companies that own the rights are no longer willing to hand out licences to manufacturers.
Other Companies have introduced other steps to keep their Kits out of recasters hands.
7.) Publications:
At the moment one of the best publications out there to verify Kits is a Japanese magazine called "Replicant", it comes out now every 3 month and lists all the latest Kits with Information as to maker, no. of parts, price, etc. It also has Event reports where "Event Only" kits of interest are shown, sculpts that were never realised as Kits as well as sculptor interviews and many "How to do" articles.
Anyhuh, sorry for the long post, but it is a subject close to my heart.
For further info feel free to contact me, also if you need any help with building an Anime Kit drop me a line.