Thanks, ya'll. He's 1/35. Still have to touch up here and there; scabbard needs coat of olive drab, Thompson sling needs some shading, laces on leggings needs to be highlighted. I can also see, from the bottom shot, that the head didn't quite "sit down" fully down into the collar, I can see a small gap in there. Optivisors FAIL.
Might add a Hudson and Allen "U.S." decal to the canteen... I dunno, that's a pretty tiny decal, but the blankness jumps out at me, at this enlargement. But, that's why I snapped these shots- for editing / fine tuning sake.
Then, I'll seal him for real, and will weather him with pigments to "put him in the field", unless anyone sees anything that I missed or painted incorrectly.
Here's a couple of different angles...
Steve M.
On the workbench: every tool, paint, brush, glue I own