Ok, just finished my British Officer preparing to give the signal to go "over the top". On the scene itself, I was particularly drawn to this figure, especially the message sent of sending men into a spray of lead and metal - the "Great War" was an interesting melding of the centuries old style and method of warfare and new deadly technology that brought about the trench warfare - amazing anyone survived. The figure by Jaguar is fairly nice, but it has a TON of holes and gaps from the mold process - fortunately non of it was in critical spots like the face and corner details. Overall the detail is good, but a lot of cleanup had to be done to fill the holes, clean up some of the details, and get good fit. I learned a lot about what to do and what NOT to do (like wait till the figure is painted and finished to attach packs and make the straps - I dont think they look great, but the came out ok). Modified the base with some sandbags, took off the resin wood wall and replaced it with real wood, same with the ladder. Lot of time and effort, but I really am proud of this one, and especially proud of what it represents. As we get closer to the 100th anniversary of WWI, I think we will start to see more models and memorials to those great men. All comments welcome, thanks all
picure of model kit, you can see what the original base / figure look like
my version with slight modifications
view of Officer looking at his watch, thanks to the aircraft forum for the watch face suggestion!